Before we start, look at Warp's catalog number for this release: it is WARPLP303! Coincidence? Sure, but anyway it's a fun fact.
Plaid is a duo made of Andy Turner and Ed Handle, one of the original members of The Black Dog collective, and The Black Dog fanatics knew them under the artistic name as Atypic and Balil. And the Black Dog becomes one of the first UK Techno groups, which success was also success for their label Warp. But Turner and Handle decide to leave TBD and pursue a carrier as Plaid. and within the year or two also riding the wave of Intelligent Dance Music or better known as IDM, with their peers as Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, The Future Sound Of London, Autechre, Spacetime Continuum, The Orb, Squarepusher, Plastikman, ยต-Ziq, Luke Vibert, Venetian Snares, Biosphere, Telefon Tel Aviv, and The Black Dog, LFO which all had that bad luck, like always: music critics, coined term IDM, just when Warp super-important compilation Artificial Intelligence came out. All of this you can read in our own feature written by our friend Funky Jeff, in part one and part two.

But actually, if critics did what critics usually did: they fuck things over, cause you can't just give the genre name when all of those named artists were unique, they all created an original sound, never heard before, and light-years far away from escapist hard-core that ruled at raves all around the world - so they have to give the attribute "intelligent" to their music, cause indeed, they got attention of people who were tired of boring 4/4 rhythms, and search for another evolution in electronic music, and not only music lovers, but also other musicians, searching for something new, and inspiration perhaps.
So it isn't surprising that for example, Plaid's success and collaboration with Bjork and Nicolette on their second album Not for Threes. Even remixed Bjork, Irresistible Force even Grandmaster Flash and Furious Five.
For sure those early albums and climate, really establish Plaid as original musicians, what make them different from their peers is their approach to a melody, melodies and harmonies usually are in different time signatures, but they became syncopated as two or three different melodies finally start to be played, every in their own parts. So that kind of approach to producing creates melodic masterpieces, which most the times are so melancholic, or ecstatic, depends on the mood.. plus beats, heavy Hip-Hop breakbeats, that are sometimes time-stretched, so that also gives uniqueness. for example, play the video above the text, called Eyen or the video below for track Itsu:
Plaid are one of the most prolific and hard-working men in the industry, Scintilli (2011), Reachy Prints (2014), so from the last previous album The Digging Remedy 2016, they released two ep's, and now they are ready to release their The Peel Session 2 album (coming 2019). Also worked on two soundtracks Heaven's Door (2006) and my favorite Tekkonkinkreet, with the opening track and main theme called This City;
And what we got with this new album Polymer? We got a little bit harder album, with more focus on the beats, but that melodic aspect is still here. Also, there is more usage of conventional instruments like the clarinet, electric and Spanish guitar on tracks Pale Moth and Nurula, also violin, mandolin, and accordion on Crown Shy. You can hear that they grow up, and do not want to create another Not for Threes or new Double Figure, albums that made them Warp's mainstays. You can still hear experimentations and evolution. Nice and enjoyable album. Not heavy listening like Autechre (I love Autechre, but these are two different styles) or more 4/4 Techno or pure Ambient like The Black Dog (you should check mixes and ep's that TBD are releasing today) or going deep into psychedelic inspired sound like The Future Sound of London (for sure except new FSOL album soon to be reviewed).
You may notice, on other videos, they tried to send the message about human greed, and it's an undeniable influence on the eco-system. And the new video and album do that.
It shows, and try to warn us about usage of plastic (polymer!!!) in everyday, and how much plastic bottle of your favorite drink needs couple hundreds or thousand years to decompose, so plastic stay as trash on the streets, or ends in other countries (like in here in Bosnia and Herzegowina), far away from "clean cities of Europe and 1st World", here is video, for the first single Dancers:
Also on their album cover, there is a small print which says: "Thanks to Europe. We want to live there, still." And in the meantime check their website to know more about new projects and tour dates.
Also if you want, you can hear and download the Plaid mix on the 600th XLR8R podcast. Enjoy!!! |
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