And with so much beautiful music that came in 2018, realesed, unreleased, or mixed we (I actually - with little help of my friends and family), decide to not make any top-2018 albums-EPs-mixes-singles lists. But, there is always "but", and that is what is like to be your own lazy editor-in-chief.
I really want to present to you, mix that never left my ipod, and my Soundcloud app. Also I make some a new friends, and one of them is Marcelle Van Hoof, or DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess.
Concept of the mix is based on tribute to exceptional one-man band Nurse With Wound (aka Steve Stapleton). But Nurse With Wound is not your typical electronic/producer project, cause from 1978 Steven Stapleton has released more than 30 albums, plus colaborative full albums, ep's, singles and split releases, and still to this day he is making his own music World of avant-garde/experimental/neo-folk/drone/industrial/noise/psychedelic/neo-classical/chamber music/krautrock/spoken word... you name it, this guy did it all by himself (and sometimes by little help of friends and family).
Another thing, he released most of his albums on his United Dairies label, and on small independent labels, of whom most have gone by now, so you just can't go into your local music super-market and ask for NWW.
Third thing is he doesn't often play live, maybe twice per year. So there is not many options to find and buy (for cheap) Nurse With Wound releases.

And here comes Dj Marcelle, with (almost) 2hrs of NWW music, and it is all mixed on three turntables, and it is magic. It is apsolute wonder of soundscapes and sonic mutli-dimensional universe. Personaly, I thought, tha it was pre-pared set, where every track has it place and time, but Dj Marcelle actually played it spontaneous for Amsterdam's Red Light Radio.
So if you are Nurse With Wound's music lover, or you want to hear more about NWW, or if you want to know more about musical creativity and want to listen something new... or simply enjoy in Music per se, as the Art, here it is. I even still, to this day listen this mix, Dj Marcelle put a spell on me.
Also I search for her on internet, and I found an interesting person, who was delight to do an interview for our so-called-bad-looking blog.
Shall we begin?
Hello DJ Marcelle, first I want to say congratulations for getting a mix of the year, even we do not do year polls, but even it doesn't echoes further into DJ industrie, we are glad that we choose your mix DJ Marcelle- Nurse With Wound - Vinyl Mix - RLR 18. Juni 2018.
D:Firts I heard mix, and as lover of Steve Stapleton's music I was hooked, and even if I didn't recognised all the tracks, I admired to a DJ who got all of those records, well I was jealous. And I was send it to all my friends, posting it maybe two - or three times on twitter and fb. But now lot of people like the mix, and even guy, younger then me, started to listen NWW - and leave all his Techno production, and started making what both of us call arranged atonal ambient.
1. can you tell me why Nurse With Wound special mix. We know he/they have pretty large discography? Anything special about choice the theme for the mix, and what was the processs, how that mix was mixed at all?
DJ Marcelle: I was booked to play at the Strange Sounds From Beyond Festival in Amsterdam last june and found out that Nurse With Wound was playing too. So then I spontaneosly decided to do this NWW vinyl mix for a show on Red Light Radio, using three turntables and playing tracks simultaneously, so therefore creating/live composing something ''new'' with records. In general my work approach is always very intuitive/spontaneous. On my radio shows and at my live gigs i always improvise, its never been thought of before. That makes it a challenge for me too, and i feel very happy when i can be creative! I have been buying NWW records since he started releasing them so over the years i have gained a big NWW vinyl collection. It was nice to so something creative with it!
We searched over internet, and we found you are obssesed with music, specially with vinyl as a medium, can you guide us to your record collection?
DJ Marcelle: I have been buying vinyl all my life, starting with glam rock in 1974, but it became ''serious'' when punk started, i was immediately drawn to this new music. Loads and loads of singles were released (the short punk songs fitted perfectly with the 7'' format) and I bought a lot of them! Some of them sound dated now, but I still love the records by amongst others Alternative TV, The Adverts, Buzzcocks. Not that I find that 'standing the test of time' is a criterium to judge whether a record is good or not. Music should always reflect the time you're in and punk records did that. Sex Pistols for example, if you listen to some of their songs now, they almost sound like 'hard rock' and for me dated and cliched, but this band kicked open a lot of doors then so were very much needed. And John Lydon was an intelligent genius, his first three albums with Public Image are classics, then and now. 'Metal Box' is one of my favourite albums of all time.
Punk for me meant change, going forward, breaking down barriers, so when punk became a musical cliche it was too limiting for me, i have always have had this with new musical styles, in the beginning it was frsh, but the moment people start immitating themselves it looses its authenticty. i have seen this with amongst others drum n bass, dubstep, techno etc.
Dub is maybe the only form of music I can always listen to and it hardly ever bores. And dub is everywhere still, I use du techniques when I play live and on my own productions.
As I never stopped buying records and vinyl is the only medium which has an aesthetic value for me, i now own some 20,000 records. They are categoried by style and time period, so African, dub, punk, electronic dance, leftfield hip hop, avant garde et cetera...
I also love reel to reel machines; I still use them (you can actually buy new tapes for them!).
Also we saw and heard a little bits of music from project, you did with drummer Hans - Joachim Irmler, drummer from ultra legendary Faust called "DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess Meets Soulmates At faust Studio Deejay Laboratory", and you have three releases on his Klangbad label. In that project you played as DJ, "living sampler" mostly strange sounds, or some chants.How did you get in contact? Members of Faust still live in remote places, and it is hard to just find them or get email?And can you explain modus operandi on those records???
Btw, is this coincidence? In our feature Not For Sale, where we review classic releases for us, I wrote a review of Faust - Faust IV (Virgin 1973).
DJ Marcelle: First two corrections: Irmler was not the drummer but the keyboardist/organist for Faust. I did not do three but four albums for his label. On those records i use the same technique as described above regarding the NWW mix. Composing by live mixing with three turntables. I played at his (now defunct) Klangbad Festival in 2007 and not only did he ask me back every year that followed but also he asked me to an album for his label. I was honoured by this, because Irmler doesnt have much interest in the dj-world but he recognised in me the same ''free and experimental'' spirit he has/had himself in Faust.
Years ago Faust split up in two different versions, both calling themselves Faust - very confusing. There is the one living near Hamburg, centered round founding member Jean-Herve Peron. they are still active in believe. 'My' Faust was centered in the south of Germany around founding member Irmler. i believe they are no longer active. But Irmler works together with other musicians every now and then.
I do too by the way, on side 4 of my last album for Klangbad you hear music I made with other musicians, Lianne Hall, Guido Mobius and Holger Mertin.
You also released music for Jahmoni, German record label, specialized in Dub, Dub Techno/Electronics, or as it was written "everything with a dubbish feel." I guess the rest of the material is "dubbish" and quite experimethal, with lot of sounds from turntables, and african rhythms? Did it all made on computer with turntables???
DJ Marcelle: I use all kinds of stuff to produce music. I use a keyboard, sampling, mini disc, reel to reel, sound and field recordings, and sometimes i play electric bass myself. So hardly ever turntables were used, maybe only on Too Scratched, the last track on Too, which is made with scratched records. i am very open also when it comes to making my own music. No limits!
These records are really my own music.

I find out, and you were talking about it, in yours interviews, about linear, perfect beat-matching sets, and you find it, let me paraphrase that, you consider them boring. So my question is have you notice, a lot of younger DJ's that play and have quite eclectic (another word you don't like) style. Especially on RLR and other internet, digital radio stations (exp. RLR, NTS, DubLab), and lots of younger people have such a long range of interests in music. Do you think there are more, and does the people on festivals or clubs are into it? I personally prefer both styles.And i think that there will be more people who play different music during their sets. Do you think that there are more Djs who are "all over the place" or should we say authentic?
And one more thing about that, I saw line-up for certain festival which includes stoner/doom/sludge bands, noise/drone/dark ambient projects and live acts and Industrial/Techno Djs - all on one stage together. And when you think about it, those musicians have more in common then techno and House artists. Do you have opinion that internet, even with all bad things it brings, got people together, and even experience some other music and musicians?
DJ Marcelle: Of course internet brought music fans and musicians together! Thats fantastic! I dont have a smartphone and only use internet for my work, so i dont have a lot to do with all the negative aspects of internet. I stay away from it, almost everyone is totally addicted to their machines and a helpless victim of capitalistic nonsense and a waste of time (staring at your smart phone all the time).
i havent seen too many dj's who i really find authentic. most of them have a very ''audience pleasing attitude'' which in general limits creativity how i see it . too many people copy each other and have limited definition of what a dj should be and how you should dj. Eclectic is a totally overused word, when people play four kinds of techno they call themselves eclectic. with eclectic i mean REALLY surprising your audience. staying ahead of them, and really doing drasticcs style changes and/or playing tracks simultaneously like i do. in doing so i try do ignore the limitations of music styles and the limitations people and dj put on themselves. and, most important, playing REALLY excting records, i spend a lot time finding them. too many djs use dull tracks just because it fits in their beat-boring-matching cliche.
There certainyl is a link between drone/industrial and the rougher side of techno. I was a big fan of Spanish band Esplendor Geometrico.
Do you have opinion about DJs like Theo Parish, that even take their own, not only stylus (!important everyone should have his own stylus when have a gig), but even their mixer? I would like to put you "in that box" - seriouse about DJ-ing, but also having a good time.
DJ Marcelle: From experience I know how important it is to use the right equipment in order to do what you want with your music.
We must admit that we, first time, heard you on Red Light Radio, which is quite unique station, they really bring a lot of different people and hear records you never heard, but how did you get in contact with them, and is there more stations where you play?
Also one important thing, I see that Amsterdam has better record shops than Berlin? What I meant to ask you, many perceive Berlin as Techno/House city, and i saw a lot of record shops turned specialized in those genres. I think in Amsterdam you can find many different records, and whole scene is quite more relaxed and you can hear it in music they play. Do you have need to go online or into other cities and buy records, or you can satisfy yourself in Amsterdam?
Can we know where to go to buy records when we come to visit Amsterdam?
DJ Marcelle: I got asked to play at Red Light Radio. I certainly dont like everything they broadcast, they also have too many boring dj;s as described above, but they also have great dj's and - very important - are very open to anything and anyone. And the people running the station are all very nice and lovable people who all share a total dedication and passion for music. I feel very much at home with them.
I have also been doing weekly radio shows for over 30 years for DFM, formerly Radio 100, in Amsterdam. On these shows i talk, about my dj-life and music, and play the latest records, and sometimes older records, as ''education'', thats also somehing i consciously and unconsciously do with my music. Anything goes on these shows. People can subscribe to them and get download link sent to their email address.I also get asked a lot to do guest mixes for other stations.
Have you ever consider, to come and play in Bosnia, especially my home town Banja Luka (yes you can find us on google maps ok!!!)???
DJ Marcelle: I can come and play everywhere as people book me!!
Also I can see you were into post-punk (not genre, more like time frame) so you did something about late Mark E. Smith from (greatest english band) The Fall and now something about unfortunately another, late Pete Shelley from Buzzcocks?
DJ Marcelle: The Fall is probably my all time favourite band, and the ''free and not giving a shit what other people think of you attitude'' of Mark E. Smith is certainly something which inspired me. When he died a year ago I made a new record, called "For", dedicated to him and using samples of conversations between us (only using his voice).
Also female bands like The Slits and The Raincoats redefined what a band should be, they ignored the male stance and attitude of their male contemporaries and that also inspired me. Unfortunately the music world is very male-orientated and men dominate too much anyway. Another artist who totally did his own thing was Muslimgauze - another big inspiration and a total musical genius, ahead of his time.
You said: " My roots in music sprang when I was 13 - 14 years old. I was into the first wave of punk, like Sex Pistols, Ramones and the Clash. I’ve always been interested in revolutionary music. I think music should be a little bit political, not just fun. I’ve always had this attitude. What punk meant to me was not the style of music, but an attitude to life." Do you there is place for politics, even something revolutionary in Techno/House. Even now those events are safe and they have only one purpose, so quest have fun. Is there anything political and revolutionary left in Techno/House, or is it all about money and hedonism???
DJ Marcelle: Unfortunately most techno/house and parties are about forgetting, having a good time and too hedonistic and controlled by drugs. I have never taken drugs in my life, and always like to experience everything as it is, nice moments, sadness, anger etc. And techno and dj-ing has long become a big industry with a total capitalistic structure. I make my money with music, but I try to stay away as much as possible from this ''industry'' approach, which of course doesnt mean I dont want to be paid (well) for my work. But i am real and a woman going her own way, ignoring stale musical and business rules and too much careerism. DJ-ing is a ''glamour'' profession, but thats not the reason i do it, fame and fortune are hollow. nothing beats musical and personal/political apprecation! I hear often that people feel free and liberated at my gigs - for me thats the best compliment!
Why don't you like cheese? When you playing, do you prefer to have vine, or something else?
DJ Marcelle: I just dont like cheese, and i also dont like olives. i prefer sweet drinks, like the Belgian Kriek Lindemans (cherry beer), Martini or sweet white wine. But i dont drink much alcohol at gigs, only a few glasses, otherwise i couldnt keep up this life of touring, airplanes in and out and hectic dj-evenings. and, like with other drugs, in general i like to experience everything in my life as it is, without stimuli. Things i like to outside music are swimming (i always have my bikini with me when i travel!), going to flea martkets, enjoying architecture, seeing snd reading about history, reading books, daydreaming, lying on the beach, i love the sun and was born in the wrong climate :-).
Thank you DJ Marcelle/Another Fine Mess for interview and the mix.
Here is more about her:
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