"Anticline: a ridge or fold of stratified rock in which the strata slope downwards from the crest."
Dictionary result for anticlin
Lucrecia Dalt is an ex - student of geology, and geotechnical engineering, turned into electronic/experimental pop producer. And obviously artist that will shine more into the future. cause her first albums were somekind neo-folk-ish and electro pop, but by humble opinion nothing to write home about, but also she get her exerience working with Julia Holter or Laurel Halo, but main influence might be Argetinian artist Juliana Molina, which we here at Datzee Blog her masterpiece "Halo".

"Anticlines" is made with producer Henry Andersen. My whole experience about this album is that: it is purposly made as Spoken Word meets Musique Concrete, or even easier explanaition: If Bjork's "Biophilia" album is about every little organism, and celebration of love act, pregnancy and new life's coming to this World, Anticlines is all about beauty of stones and their powers as they provide possibility for living on the solid ground. Also in stones and rocks we are directly connect with our far past that can be measured in eons.
But also I was surprised by Lucrecia Dalt's songwriting. First singl and album opener "Edge" was one of most beautiful poetic lyrics about bonding two bodies into one, as lovers slowly become, not only menthal, but physical:
"I wanted to fill you up with my exhalations/And drink out all your flesh/But keep your bones and skin still flawless/And blow through the tiny opening in the top of your scalp./Until all there was, was perfect you and perfect me./And breath and shape and pressure...
And I would be the breath/And I would press against the back of your eyeballs/The root of your spine/The back of your teeth/The small of your shoulders/The inside of your navel/The slippery side of your throat/Your vocal chords/Your voice box/Your Adam’s apple/Your cheeks."
But then I read that is story about Colombian serial killer who had this fetish to drink blood from his victims from a hole in their head, and song suddenly turns into this gore scene, about how persons, killer and victim, even in act of killing, become one!!!
I will try to wrap-it up. Lucrecia dalt made an album of her career, and after this only way is up. Album is full of little strangeness and experimental sounds, plus beautiful poetry, recite in cold, cold voice, but also album is for those who really enjoy in experimental electronic music, and on the other side tracks are not "symphonies", but short "songs" about elements, mostly rocks and stones. But this album will make every heart of stone into living and breathing thing.

Damir "Datzee" Plicanic
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Keep on writing, great job!
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