One thing is for sure. Some of them really needed some bigger and deeper insight, but you that sensation you will get when you listen to them. And please let's make some kind of dialog, and discourse about music, reviews, and music scene in overall. I hope you like it too, to discuss the music and whole situations and emotions that surrounds some of releases. I see lot of people actually read my text, and I get some nice words. But if you do not want to do that, I do appreciate, that you are there - on the other side.
Only Love.
So let my redemption comes. And from now on, I write in larger letters!!!
Damir "Datzee" Plicanic
Nathan Fake - Providence (Ninja Tune 2017)
All of those who expected new "The Sky Is Pink", can go and listen something else.
This LP, on Ninja Tune is all about two things:
Korg's Prophecy synth, that's why tracks sounds almost the same, but listen the album more tha x2 and here you go. Also Album's name is connected with Korg's synth.
Another thing, if his friend James Holden made a huge leap into non-western music, where he now plays with the Morrocan traditional music artists and makes experimethal and original music, Nathan Fake actually, also going into uncharted teritories, but somehow he sounds more like Tim Hecker, Ben Frost or even Oneohthrix Points Never. He made that great track DEEGREELESSNESS, with video in our review (look up, first Youtube link from here), with Prurient.
Track "SmallCityLights" sounds like P-Funk relative.
The whole expirience of the album is pretty good. There is no dancefloor anthems, or it went in "total darkness" - it is in perfect balance. It is optimistic, on some tracks quite melacholic, and YES I was surprised, and on some tracks dissapointed cause he could go more... Where? I can't answer that question, but album is worth of your time, and to check your DJ skills without SYNC button.

Jesu & Sun Kil Moon - Jesu Sun Kil Moon (Caldo Verde Records 2016)
"What does 'rekindle' mean?" - Jesu/Sun Kil Moon - "Good Morning My Love"
Thank You Dear Universe for people like Mark Kozelek. Cause you just can't but laugh, or cry, whatever emotions got you, while listening this bend.
Mark's songs are like reading, literally reading someones diary, writen like James Joyce's Ulysses, that stream of conciousness, like All of us have every day, while we go to work, or just doing something at the home, or watching thru the window. In any case lyrics that we all think and instead we wrote them, we just continue our inner dialogue. Now I wonder, does Mr. Kozelek write like this on purpose likehis own style, and how he does it. I know I couldn't do it that fast, cause lots of thoughts has come, and vent. I'm sure he has practised a lot. just when you think he has, under his belt 10lp's with the band Sun Kil Moon, and then another 10 alone or in colabration with someone.
"It's June 13, 2015 and I'm jetlagged as hell
Just walked in the door, opened my mail and there's... something from Yael
The guy from Biffy Clyro says I'm one of the greatest... songwriters in the world
And here's some funny rant... from some... stalker hater girl
And a letter of love and kindness and affection from a fan... in Singapore
Ah, what can you do? Some people love, some people hate, some of us walk tall and proud and some of us slither around in the dirt like litte garden snakes
(Like little garden snakes)
Nature is cruel, look at the way the vines curl and choke the, life out of trees
Nature is beautiful, go out on your your front porch, smell the pines and feel the afternoon breeze
(The afternoon breeze)
It's June 13, just like it was... 3 years ago
When, I put words down to some music written by the musical genius Jimmy Lavalle
And my friend Tim had just died and everyone, was... goin' through hell
But now there's a brand new June 13 and I gotta say that things are... going pretty well
Todays my sister's birthday and I'm gonna call her... and I know she'll be pleased
But I tired to call her but she's not answering, I just keep tryin' and she's not answering
Ah there she is, my beautiful sister... and one of my best friends
She wants a copy of my new CD, I'm gonna send it to her on monday and I'm gonna surprise her with... a rather large check
Now I'm off to Telegraph Hill, I need to walk to get back into the right time schedule
I walked through the North Beach fair, still dizzy, I felt like I was in some strange music video
I went to Molinari's on Colombus and got the... Joe's Special
That was Katy's favorite, I always get that one in memory of her
Oh it's coming up on my... 48th summer
A few nights ago I rocked the room like Elvis Presley and had them laughin' like... Richard Pryor
And me and Steve went and saw the film Youth on our... day off in Milan
And Pitchfork gave me a 6 that day and I said "man, what took them so long?"
And me and Steve laughed and we had some salad and some red mullet, Carpaccio And I hugged him goodnight and the next morning I flew home to, beautiful San Fransico
Oh it's coming up... 48th summer
And I'm feeling pretty good and my girlfriend will be here at 7 for dinner and oh my godI love her...
And her cat Leona she's a huge ball of fluff and I, could squish her to death
Her face is so fucking cute, I swear to god... I can't even stand it
And this friday night I'll be singing the 100th Anniversary of the Civic Center in San Franciso... with Chuck Prophet and Penelope Houstin and Stephanie Finch and The Kingstom Trio, and Jello Biafra
And for the fuck of it I'm gonna read this nice letter from this., Singapore fan
He's now the co-writer of this song, his name is Victor and he's gonna get a song writers share, 25%
Dear Mark, thank you for the amazing gig you played in Melbourne in March of this year
I flew from Singapore to see you and I don't know if you remember but we met outside
I was weraing a Parl Jam t-shirt and you said it was cool
For me, you and Eddie are the best two vocalists and songwriters of our age
Thank you for allowing us to all move to the front of the hall when you came onstage
Somehow the internet gave me a back row seat but after you let us move I was right down the front
I love the new record and the way you are getting more personal each and every album
I think it's one for the fans, for the people that have listened to you for twenty years, not for the hipsters who only like you because of Benji
I bought my family members in London four tickets for the Barbican gig this week, wanting to get as many people I know to hear you and share your music
The main reason I'm writing is because of the negative press from the gig, English press are ridiculous just trying to get any controversial story they can
Anyone who knows you will know you're respectful and they don't get your sense of humor
Don't let it get you down, your real fans will always b here for you
Please keep making the music and touring the tours, take it easy and yes please do come back to Singapore
Well played, well played!!!
Pharmakon - Contact (Sacred Bones 2017)
First of all of this is one of top 10 covers in 2017, even one in 21st century. Why? Cause if you look closely, it would look like frsh insestines, worms, actually autopsy on living body. It is Margaret Chardiet aka Pharmakon.
First of all of this is one of top 10 covers in 2017, even one in 21st century. Why? Cause if you look closely, it would look like frsh insestines, worms, actually autopsy on living body. It is Margaret Chardiet aka Pharmakon.
Her music is new that new Industrial, where artist screams and use a lots of distortion pedals, laptop, groove boxes, and what-else? And it is something that I'm pretty new in that scene, but I saw a couple shows, and most of that shows are streamed from USA and Canada. So when I use my brain, I came to the conclusion - there is strong scene of the this let's say new Industrial all over the world. I know I first show like this was, of course Dominick Fernow's Vatican Shadow or Prurient or that brilliant show I saw years ago, artist named Timeghost... and I'm sorry I know there are more artist with same agenda and "almost" same visceral experience. But this... this record I bought just because of shock value.

And the music, well lot of distortion, lot of electricity, lot of anger, lot of industry. I like it a lot. it is like a electric shock I applied to my body on purpose. I wanted to fell alive, I wanted some new experiences, I wanted... pure flesh - well not to eat it, but to touch it, and scrub myself in it, to feel the sweat.

Yes, the moral of the story, commercial technology, specially soc-net, made us alienated, somehow history repeat itself and I guess we want we want (again) that state of existence, where we feel each other, in which "we feel" means male's/female's BODY and it's liquids. We want that smell, we want that skin, we want that muscles, we want meat - of course not dead, but alive, with his blood circulating, and hair that grows... only way to go further is sometimes to go back.
1. If you want to review your new music album, LP or EP contact us, send message, or damir.plicanic(at)!!!
2. If you want to show the world your fascination with music, and want to share with us, and also like to mix, or make mixtapes for your friends, sent us (only exclusive, please don-t send us something that was already uploaded or share somewhere). From Death/Doom/Extreme metal over Breakcore, to Synth-Pop or Hip Hop, over Ambient till Techno and House: please send us your (for datzee podcast) on this blog as the message, or old fashioned way damir.plicanic(at) or simply with letters and through post-office.
3. If you have any ideas you want to share with us or simply get in touch, you know the drill!
Contact over the blog, write email on damir.plicanic(at)
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