Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Don't Care About Podcast 004: .temp - Suspendo Vir

O Momento mori. .temp je neidentifikovani, trenutni (.temp - IT riječnikom datoteka u koju se skupljaju temporalni file-ovi, najčešće "skinuti" dokumenti sa interneta) projekat kojem je za cilj da ukaže na prolaznost u vremenu, i našu hyper-brzu realnost. Tačnije u formi mixa želi skrenuti pažnju na to da smo u ova postpost-moderna vremena izgubili pažnju. Da bi smo trebali da zastanemo, i da oslušnemo ovaj trenutak. Mix koji vam predstavljamo ima za temu, kako autor kaže:
"Suspendo Vir je latinski naziv za Obješenog (Hanged Man) tarot kartu. Simbolika Obješenog je da je trenutno van kontrole, da je bespomoćan, vezan. Ima nedoumicu sa samim sobom pa ga je to objesilo i okrenulo naglavačke. Nakon toga će ili propasti, ili se dići još jači, ali trenutno ne može nikuda. Potrebno je da se pomiri sa situacijom, i da bude strpljiv. Zbog toga ima toliko manije u miksu; u mraku je, visi. Ali želi da izađe, da se izbori, pa se počne otimati, ali ne može, vezan je. Smiri se, preispituje - i ponovo se otima. Sve dok ne shvati da nije sve u njegovim rukama, da treba da stane, i čeka. A na kraju, hoće li se dići ili propasti je neizvjesno, kao i sam kraj mixa."
Dalje u razgovoru .temp kaže: "To je bilo to sto sam htio da prikažem. Zato je mix nekonvencionalan, u smislu miješanja žanrova i raspoloženja. A što se tiče mene? Ma ja nisam bitan, muzika je bitna. Ja sam svakako temporary."

(English version)

O Momento Mori. .temp is unidentified, temporary (.temp - in IT technical wordbooks means special data file where OS collects mostly "downloaded" or from other media gathered files) project who's intention, or statement is to remind us all on passage of time, our hyper-reality. In the form of DJ mix .temp wants our attention to be focused, to stop for the moment, and to feel and listen that moment. Actually, in this post-postmodern times,  we have lost ability to focus on the moment, right exact the moment. Here are the words from the .temp himself::
"Suspendo Vir (lat.) is Hanged Man tarot card. The symbolism behind Hangman stands for one is out of control of things, he is helpless, tangled. His circumstances or doubt about himself lead it to that situation: where he is tied-up and turned upside-down. There are conclusions to this situation: or he will fall, or he will break free. But in these moment he can't do anything, so he have to accept the situation and be patient, to figure out how and become aware of  possibilities and knowledge. That is why there is so much mania in the mix itself, he is in the dark, his perception of world is turned upside-down. So we can only know one thing for sure: we don't know what will happen, there is suspension, just like the end of the mix."
Also .temp said one more thing: "That's what I wanted to show with my mix, that moment situation. That's why mix is unconventional, with full range of styles and energies, and moods, of course. And what about me you asked? Well I'm temporary. Music is all that matters.



1. Kraftwerk - Strom
2. Kraftwerk - Harmonika
3. Ø (Mika Vinio) - Syväys
4. Sev Dah - Fallen Comrades
5. Johann Johannsson - Escape
6. Nikola Vranjkovic - Armatura Prva
8. SHXCXCHCXSH - Wadin Guise
9. Marcel Fengler - Distant Episode
10. Damir Imamovic - Dva Se Draga
11. Polar Inertia - The Last Vehicle
12. Population One - A Simpler Form A1
13. Kraftwerk - Atem
14. Vatican Shadow - Arms Of Yahweh
15. Violetshaped - Black Wisdom, White Witch
16. Acronym - Isolated From the Land
17. Mikhail Rudy & Jeff Mills - Impossible Love
18. Radiohead - Codex
19. Boards Of Canada - White Cyclosa


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